UN Urges Age Restrictions on the Use of AI Tools in Schools
The United Nations has recently called for age restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence tools in schools, particularly for older children. This call is a response to the growing ethical and safety concerns raised by the increasing use of AI in the educational sector. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has issued a new guideline urging governments to take measures and establish strict regulations to govern the use of AI tools in schools. These tools include viral chatbots like ChatGPT, which can generate articles, poetry, and conversations based on brief prompts. Audrey Azoulay, the spokesperson for the agency headquartered in Paris, noted that while generative AI tools hold potential educational opportunities, they may also negatively impact children's emotional health, making them susceptible to manipulation. She emphasized that without public involvement and necessary government safeguards and regulations, these tools cannot be effectively integrated into the education system.
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