Recently, the research teams from Kuaishou, Peking University, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications have jointly open-sourced a super-high-definition video generation model named Pyramid-Flow.

This model can generate videos up to 10 seconds long, with a resolution of 1280x768 and 24 frames per second, based on text descriptions. The quality is quite impressive, with excellent lighting effects, motion consistency, and video quality.


Pyramid-Flow operates differently from existing video diffusion models. Traditional models typically run at full resolution, which, while producing high-quality results, consumes significant computational resources. Pyramid-Flow, on the other hand, leverages the flexibility of flow matching, allowing interpolation between different resolutions and noise levels, enabling more efficient video generation and decompression.

All of this is optimized through a single framework called DiT, which greatly reduces training time. Pyramid-Flow was trained on an A100 GPU for only 20,700 hours, outperforming similar models in terms of energy consumption and efficiency. This is undoubtedly a significant boost for small and medium-sized enterprises and individual developers without substantial computational power.

The innovation of Pyramid-Flow lies in its adoption of a technique called Pyramid Flow Matching. This method decomposes video generation into multiple stages of varying resolutions, starting with a low-resolution sketch and progressively enhancing to high resolution. This design not only reduces computational burden but also increases generation flexibility. Each stage evolves from a pixelated noise representation until it becomes clear. To ensure continuity between stages, the algorithm reintroduces some noise during transitions.

Additionally, the model utilizes an autoregressive framework and block-wise causal attention mechanisms, allowing each frame to be generated based on previous frames, ensuring video coherence and logical consistency.

Official Example: Generated 10-second Video

Official Example: Image to Video

In terms of performance, Pyramid Flow excels on various comparison platforms. Compared to some commercial models, despite using only public video data, it holds its own in terms of quality and smoothness ratings. Additionally, user surveys indicate that participants are generally satisfied with the generation effects of Pyramid Flow, especially regarding the smoothness of video motion.

Whether you are a creator looking to generate stunning video content or a researcher exploring new technologies, Pyramid Flow offers an efficient and user-friendly option.

Project Link:

Key Points:

🌟 This technology can generate 768p resolution, 24 frames per second, 10-second videos, and supports image-to-video generation.

💡 Uses flow matching to interpolate between different resolutions and noise levels, thereby improving computational efficiency.

🚀 Performs excellently on multiple platforms, with users generally giving high ratings for its video generation effects.