Recently, Twitter (X) updated its terms of service, delivering an unsettling message to users: all content posted on the platform may be used to train their artificial intelligence models. This chilling news has once again caused anxiety among artists, making it seem more cautious to share creations on Twitter now.


Under the new terms of service, any content posted, submitted, or displayed by users on Twitter automatically grants the platform a "worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license." In simpler terms, Twitter can use, copy, modify, and distribute user content, and even use it in any existing or future media and distribution methods, including for the purpose of improving service quality. Notably, Twitter explicitly states that they will use the text and other information provided by users to train their machine learning and AI models.

Moreover, Twitter doesn't just use this content themselves; they can also provide user creations to other companies or organizations for their use and service improvement. This means that Twitter can not only use your work to train AI but may also share these works with other developers. Although Twitter's AI training is not new, users previously had the option to prevent Twitter from scraping their content for training. Now, although there is still an option to prevent Grok from using your posts, the new terms seem to imply that regardless of your choice, your content will still be used for AI training.

These new terms will take effect on November 15, 2024, and many users have expressed their dissatisfaction, voicing their concerns on the platform. This change has sparked widespread attention and discussion among users. Those wishing to learn more details can directly review the updated terms of service.

Key Points:

🌐 Twitter has updated its terms of service; user content will automatically be used for AI training.

🖼️ Users grant Twitter a worldwide royalty-free license, content can be used for various media and purposes.

🤖 The new terms will take effect on November 15, 2024, with strong user reactions.