The Argentine film "Witch Game" is set to premiere in North America and the UK in the first quarter of 2025. Inspired by the "Harry Potter" series, the film combines horror elements to tell a captivating story. The main character, a young girl, is played by actress Lourdes Manciola.

On her 18th birthday, she receives a virtual reality (VR) headset, which allows her to enter a mysterious magical school and an evil supernatural world to save her family from the clutches of a demon.

Sound Audio

Image source note: Image generated by AI, licensed by service provider Midjourney

This film is directed by the renowned filmmaker Fabian Forte, known for works such as "Evil Flesh" and "Doomsday Portrait." "Witch Game" also boasts a strong supporting cast, including Ezekiel Rodriguez, Virginia Lombardo, and Natalia Grinberg. The film premiered last year at the Argentine film festival "Ventana Sur," gaining attention.

While the plot of the film is quite engaging, the main reason it has sparked heated discussions is not the film itself, but rather the method used for its English dubbing. The original soundtrack is in Spanish, while the English dubbing has been processed using artificial intelligence technology. In recent years, the application of AI across various industries has prompted widespread debate, especially in the dubbing industry, where many voice actors have expressed anger and dissatisfaction.

Voice actors believe that using AI to replicate their voices without their consent is disrespectful and reduces their future job opportunities. Although some notable figures, such as Robert Downey Jr., have opposed this practice and promised to sue companies that infringe on their likeness rights, most voice actors lack the resources and influence to protect themselves.

In addition to the dubbing industry, artists and writers also face the risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence. While some artists choose to embrace this technology, many are concerned that it could harm the opportunities for the next generation of creators, making it difficult for genuine artistic works to emerge in future creations. Currently, as AI technology advances, the survival environment for creators is becoming increasingly challenging.

Key Points:

🎬 "Witch Game" is an Argentine horror film inspired by "Harry Potter," scheduled for release in North America and the UK in 2025.  

🤖 The film's English dubbing uses artificial intelligence technology, which has sparked fierce reactions in the dubbing industry.  

🎨 The application of artificial intelligence in the arts and creative fields has generated widespread discussion, with many creators worried about threats to future creative spaces.