Recently, Meta announced its plans to introduce a large number of AI-generated virtual characters on the Facebook platform, which will exist alongside real users. Connor Hayes, Meta's Vice President of Product, stated that these AI characters will have personal profiles and avatars on the platform and will be able to generate and share content, with a gradual rollout expected in the future.

Meta, Metaverse, Facebook

Meta's AI studio has already launched the feature for creating these virtual characters, allowing users to create their own AI characters and interact with them. This feature has attracted tens of thousands of users, and there are currently hundreds of thousands of AI characters. Meta stated that over the next two years, it will continue to expand the usage of the AI studio, enabling more users in different countries to experience this feature.

It is worth noting that, in addition to fictional characters, influencers can also create their own AI versions to engage with their fans. This innovative interaction method has garnered significant attention, prompting many social platforms to launch similar features to meet the needs of content creators.

However, the introduction of these AI characters also comes with significant security risks. In recent years, similar chatbots have repeatedly breached content regulations on social platforms, leading to minors being exposed to inappropriate content. Additionally, the spread of false information is a serious issue. If Meta's AI characters lack effective oversight, they could further amplify rumors and misinformation, posing immeasurable risks to the platform.

Becky Owen, former head of the Meta Creator Innovation Team and current Chief Marketing Officer at Billion Dollar Boy, expressed her concerns about this. She pointed out that, unlike real creators, AI characters lack life experience, emotions, and relativity, which may affect their genuine interaction with users and, in turn, impact the work of creators.

While Meta's initiative to promote AI characters on Facebook may enhance user interaction and platform engagement, the hidden security risks and potential threats to content creators deserve attention.

Key Points:

🌐 Meta plans to introduce AI virtual characters on Facebook to enhance user interaction.

🤖 Users can create their own virtual characters through the AI studio and interact with them.

⚠️ The launch of AI characters may pose security risks and contribute to the spread of false information.