Samsung's upcoming flagship series, the Galaxy S25, may bring a significant benefit to users. According to the latest leaked Google Android application code, Samsung might offer free access to the premium version of Google Gemini for S25 series users, with subscription durations varying by model.

It is reported that Samsung plans to launch the Galaxy S25 series on January 22, 2024, with a possible official release in early February. The most notable aspect is its deep collaboration with Google AI services: users who purchase the S25 will receive 3 months of Gemini Advanced access, S25+ users will enjoy 6 months, while flagship model S25 Ultra users could get up to a year of free usage.

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It is worth mentioning that Gemini Advanced is a paid subscription service from Google AI, with a regular subscription price of $19.99 per month, which also includes 2TB of Google Cloud storage. If this collaboration is confirmed, it would be the first time a smartphone manufacturer has bundled AI premium services on such a large scale.

Although this news currently stems only from the discovery of application code and has not been officially confirmed, the presence of the code in the Google app and its timing coinciding with the S25's launch date greatly increases the likelihood of this partnership. This move not only demonstrates Samsung's commitment to AI but also signals a new trend of collaboration between smartphone manufacturers and AI service providers.