At the 2025 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Samsung announced the introduction of a popular smartphone and tablet feature to its TV products — Live Translate. This feature aims to provide users with real-time translation services, allowing viewers who speak different languages to enjoy programs more easily.
The Live Translate feature supports seven languages, although the specific languages have not yet been disclosed. The technology works by translating subtitles in the program rather than translating the audio directly. Since its initial launch on the Galaxy S24 phone in early 2024, the Live Translate feature has supported 13 languages on mobile devices, while the TV version will start with a more basic selection of seven languages.
Image Source Note: Image generated by AI, image licensed by Midjourney
Additionally, Samsung has introduced AI-based voice removal and audio subtitle features, with a particular focus on visually impaired individuals. This feature analyzes subtitles, isolates human voices, and adjusts reading speed to provide a smoother viewing experience. Such technology is clearly beneficial for viewers who rely on subtitles, especially those with visual impairments.
These two new features will be launched in the 2025 TV series; however, it has not yet been revealed whether there will be compatibility updates for older TV models, leaving many long-time users both excited and uncertain.
Samsung will hold a press conference for CES 2025 this Monday at 2 PM Pacific Time, where more details will be unveiled.