Elon Musk's company X has recently updated the FAQ page regarding the new feature "Out of Control Mode" for its AI chatbot Grok, indicating that this feature will soon be launched. As early as last April, Musk mentioned this mysterious mode, stating that Grok would provide some "disturbing, inappropriate, and offensive" responses, likening it to "an amateur comedian still learning."

Currently, "Out of Control Mode" has not officially launched, and TechCrunch attempted to locate this feature in Grok's web interface but was unsuccessful. This new mode may be part of Musk's effort to realize Grok's original vision. When Musk first introduced Grok about two years ago, he emphasized that it would be a marginalized, unrestrained chatbot that opposes "woke culture," capable of addressing controversial issues that other AI systems are reluctant to touch.

Grok, Musk, xAI

In previous features, when Grok was asked to use vulgar language, it was quite helpful and could fluently produce some inappropriate profanity that one would not typically hear in ChatGPT. However, Grok currently shows some restraint on political topics, especially regarding issues like gender identity rights, equality programs, and diversity, with studies finding Grok's tendencies leaning more towards the political left.

In response, Musk attributed Grok's behavior to its training data, promising to make it "more politically neutral." In a social media post in December 2023, he stated, "Unfortunately, the internet is filled with nonsensical woke culture. Grok will improve; this is just a beta version."

Additionally, Musk and many of his supporters, including Trump's crypto and AI advisor David Sacks, have accused AI chatbots of censoring conservative viewpoints. Sacks specifically mentioned OpenAI's ChatGPT, claiming it is "programmed to be woke" and lacks authenticity on politically sensitive topics.

Overall, although Grok's new feature "Out of Control Mode" has not yet been released, its arrival could provide users with more controversial and offensive responses, further advancing Musk's vision for this AI system.