Recently, renowned analyst Ming-Chi Kuo released an operational report on Wistron subsidiary Wistron NeWeb Corporation, revealing the latest developments in artificial intelligence servers. He noted that OpenAI's upcoming ASIC AI server is expected to start shipping as early as the fourth quarter of 2026. The chip design for this server is handled by the well-known tech company Broadcom, whose technical capabilities are noteworthy.
According to Kuo's analysis, Amazon's Trainium2 servers have already begun mass shipments in their air-cooled version, and Wistron Neweb's production line is operating at full capacity. It is worth noting that the water-cooled version of the Trainium server is also set to enter mass production in the fourth quarter of 2026, indicating a growing demand for more efficient performance and cooling technology.
Image Source Note: Image generated by AI, licensed from Midjourney
Furthermore, Kuo mentioned that future ASIC AI servers will feature higher computing power, which will lead to an increase in power consumption per cabinet to over 80–100kW. To meet this demand, water cooling design has become a necessary choice. Although the introduction of water cooling systems will significantly raise the cost per cabinet, the enhanced performance and efficiency will provide better service for data centers.
It is noteworthy that Wistron Neweb is currently in discussions with a major client in the Middle East, Omniva, regarding the details of the GB200NVL72 order, with mass production expected to begin in the second or third quarter of 2026, and the initial order quantity is around 1,000 cabinets. This marks a new phase in the global construction and upgrading of data centers, with the application of artificial intelligence technology continuing to deepen.
Overall, as the demand for computing power surges, a technological transformation of AI servers is imperative, and water cooling design will become an important direction for future development. The future of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly bright, warranting attention and anticipation from all sectors.