Recently, Elon Musk's artificial intelligence company xAI officially launched its first standalone consumer application - Grok. The Grok app became available for download on the Apple App Store starting January 10, allowing users to download and experience this new application for free.

Previously, users could only access xAI's products through the social media platform X, but the launch of the Grok app enables more users to interact directly with the technology, further expanding its user base.


The description of the Grok app indicates that it is currently still in the "beta" stage and is only available in the U.S. market. The app's content emphasizes that users will be able to access xAI's latest artificial intelligence model - Grok2 - for free. This model excels in natural language processing, allowing users to engage in various interactions and information retrieval.


It is worth mentioning that xAI had already released a free version of the Grok chatbot on the X platform back in December, and it offers higher usage limits and additional privileges for users who opt for Premium and Premium + paid subscriptions. This strategy undoubtedly helps attract users to experience its products and generates more revenue for the company.

Key Points:

🌐 xAI launches standalone app Grok, officially entering the consumer market and enhancing competition with OpenAI.

📲 The Grok app has been available for free download on the Apple Store since January 10.

🚀 xAI already has a free version of the Grok chatbot on the X platform, with paid users enjoying additional privileges.