At the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Mercedes-Benz announced a new automotive virtual assistant developed in collaboration with Google. This assistant is based on Google's newly launched Automotive AI Agent platform, which can "continue conversations and reference information" while users are driving. The first model to feature this assistant is the all-new Mercedes CLA, which is equipped with the next-generation MB.OS operating system and an upgraded MBUX virtual assistant.
Currently, Mercedes' MBUX voice assistant system can be activated with about 20 voice commands using "Hey, Mercedes." With this upgrade, the MBUX assistant will leverage OpenAI's ChatGPT and results from Microsoft's Bing to enhance its intelligence, although a complete conversational platform has not yet been established. Mercedes has stated that it plans to roll out this new system to more models running the old voice assistant, but specific models have yet to be announced.
The new MBUX virtual assistant will feature four "personality traits": natural, predictive, personalized, and empathetic. This means the assistant can not only understand users' basic needs but also ask questions to gather more information to provide more accurate services. Additionally, Google's AI agent can use Google Maps data to find points of interest, look up restaurant reviews, provide recommendations, and answer follow-up questions. Google stated that MBUX virtual assistant users will enjoy "almost real-time" Google Maps updates and will be able to handle complex multi-turn conversations.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated at the press conference: "This is the beginning of how intelligent assistants will transform the automotive industry." He emphasized the importance of this technology in the future of automotive experiences, signaling a deep integration between cars and smart technology.
- 🚗 Mercedes collaborates with Google to launch the next-generation MBUX virtual assistant, enhancing the smart driving experience.
- 🤖 The new assistant features four personality traits, enabling natural and complex multi-turn conversations.
- 🗺️ Users will receive real-time Google Maps updates, enhancing navigation and recommendation features.