Apple recently released the iOS 18.3 developer beta and has decided to temporarily disable the AI summary feature for news and entertainment apps. This feature, originally supported by Apple's intelligent technology, faced significant criticism from users during its use, particularly for making serious errors in content summarization, such as misinterpreting a BBC report.

Apple iPhone 14

According to reports from MacRumors and 9to5Mac, Apple stated that it will re-enable this feature in future software updates and continue to improve it. In the latest beta version, Apple clearly noted that the notification summary feature is still in testing and may contain some errors. To assist users, Apple has also added a new feature that allows users to turn off the notification summary for specific apps by "swiping, tapping 'options', and then selecting 'turn off summary'" in the lock screen or notification center.

Additionally, to help users better distinguish between notification summaries and standard notifications, Apple has used italics on the lock screen interface. Last month, Apple faced criticism for its notification summary feature incorrectly summarizing a BBC report on the UnitedHealth shooting incident, where Apple mistakenly stated that the BBC referred to Luigi Mangione as a suicide case. In response, Apple promised to release an update to "further clarify that the displayed text is a summary provided by Apple’s intelligence."

Currently, Apple is still working to refine this feature, and future updates will provide users with a more accurate notification summary experience.

Key Points:

📅 Apple has suspended the news notification summary feature in the iOS 18.3 beta.

🔧 Users can turn off notification summaries for specific apps in the new beta version.

📰 Apple promises to improve the accuracy of notification summaries in future updates.