Recently, the first AI Photography Award was announced at the Ballarat Photography Biennale, where Swedish photographer Nordenskiöld won the top prize with his AI-generated work "The Twin Sisters in Love" created using the Midjourney tool. This has sparked discussions about the role of AI in artistic creation. Earlier this year, German photographer Eldagsen also submitted an AI-generated piece to an international photography competition to express caution about the technology. Experts believe that AI serves as a tool and method for creation, with humans providing the creativity and being the main body of artistic creation. The value of an artwork lies in its uniqueness and the story behind it, which AI finds difficult to replicate. Countries are also accelerating the formulation of regulations to oversee AI-generated content. There is no need for humans to fear new technology excessively, but it is important to remain vigilant, make good use of the conveniences brought by AI, and maintain control over the technology.