iFlytek Releases Spark Cognition Model V3.0, Surpassing ChatGPT 3.5
On today's 2023 iFLYTEK Global 1024 Developers Festival, iFLYTEK announced the official release of the Xunfei Spark Cognitive Large Model V3.0. Currently, the Spark Large Model has surpassed ChatGPT in overall performance. Liu Qingfeng, Chairman of iFLYTEK, stated that on May 6th of this year, the Xunfei Spark was officially launched and has since undergone two upgrades. The Spark 3.0, marked by its general-purpose model, aims to compete with ChatGPT 3.5, surpassing it in Chinese and being on par in English. The seven capabilities of text generation, language understanding, knowledge inquiry, logical reasoning, mathematical abilities, coding skills, and multi-modal abilities have all continued to improve.
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