Meitu's AI Product Images and AI Model Fitting Feature Serve Over 1.5 Million E-Commerce Users
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Meitu's official statement reveals that its design studio has won the championship in both tracks of the 2023 Taobao Tmall Open Ecosystem AIGC Challenge. The "AI Product Image" feature of Meitu Design Studio left a profound impression on the expert judges, with its effectiveness and efficiency leading the industry. Meitu reports that since the launch of AI commercial photography in April, it has served over 1.5 million e-commerce users. Several of its functions have reduced the design time that originally took three days to just 10 seconds, an efficiency increase of 25,000 times, and has generated 18 million product images in total. Calculating at a design fee of 100 yuan per image, this has saved merchants approximately 1.8 billion yuan, significantly liberating productivity in the e-commerce industry. Relying on Meitu's AIGC technology, the "E-commerce Marketing Posters" and "Smart Cutout" features of Meitu Design Studio have also achieved substantial results in 2023.
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