Ant Group Launches Cloud-Native Intelligent Capacity Tool Kapacity V0.2 Integrating Self-Developed AI Algorithms
Ant Group has announced the launch of Kapacity V0.2, an intelligent cloud capacity technology tool. This version introduces an AI algorithm developed by Ant Group, known as "traffic-driven replica number prediction," which enables predictive elastic scaling at a production level. Predictive scaling has advantages over reactive scaling as it can anticipate changes in traffic, stabilize resource levels, and utilize resources with higher precision. Kapacity uses a traffic-driven replica number prediction algorithm, transforming the problem of replica number prediction into a traffic prediction problem. By learning the relationships between traffic, capacity, and replica numbers through linear and residual models, it achieves accurate prediction of replica numbers. Additionally, Kapacity offers custom metric support, extending the Metrics API and integrating with Prometheus Adapter to enable historical queries of general metrics and aggregation queries by workload dimensions.
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