Based on the "2024 AIGC Top 10 Trends White Paper" jointly released by DingTalk and IDC, it is predicted that by 2024, the global market will see the emergence of over 500 million new applications, with AIGC technology experiencing explosive growth. The report indicates that AIGC applications will first take root in B-side office and productivity scenarios, with knowledge management being the most favored application scenario. The report also emphasizes the issue of the AI talent gap, predicting that by 2024, 80% of enterprises will struggle to find skilled AI professionals. As one of the earliest office applications in China to integrate with the Yi Qianwen large model, DingTalk has already undergone intelligent transformation, offering users over a hundred AI skills. It is anticipated that 2024 will be a pivotal year for employment in the AI industry, with AI technology becoming a core driving force for business development.