AI combined with robotics is gradually stepping onto the forefront of the era, with Google DeepMind and NVIDIA making moves in the field of robotics. Jim Fan and Yuke Zhu have collaborated to establish a new research group called GEAR, indicating that robotics will be a significant direction for future development. Google DeepMind has proposed a human-robot interaction Markov decision process, and GEAR has showcased several intriguing projects, such as Eureka and Voyager. Voyager is the first learning agent to play Minecraft within its context, and Jim Fan believes that the future of agents lies in proactive exploration and self-improvement. VIMA is the first multi-modal LLM equipped with a robotic arm, and LMPC-Rollouts and LMPC-Skip have enhanced the teachability of robots, with LMPC-Skip and LMPC-Rollouts performing differently across various tasks.
AI x Robotics Breakout Year: Nvidia's Jim Fan Leads Lunar Mission, Google's DeepMind Unveils New Technologies
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