Recently, two cases of fraud involving AI face-swapping technology have emerged, where scammers use AI to alter both facial appearances and voices, impersonating others during video calls, and successfully swindling substantial amounts of money. This type of AI-driven fraud is becoming increasingly common, with reduced technical barriers and costs, posing a significant threat to people's property, information, and real-world security. In these scams, fake video calls facilitated by AI face-swapping have led to the successful theft of HK$200 million and RMB 4.3 million. The rapid advancement of AI technology has made it easier for scammers to conduct fraudulent activities, significantly increasing the likelihood of success. AI fraud cases involve substantial amounts of money, have high success rates, and an increasing number of people are becoming victims, posing a severe threat to social security. This paragraph discusses the perspectives and factual information related to AI fraud cases.
AI Face-Swapping Technology Used for Fraud, Threatening Huge Assets and Real-World Safety
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