Recently, AI expert Andrew Ng open-sourced a new AI agent machine translation project called Translation Agent. According to the introduction, Translation Agent is a machine translation tool based on a reflective proxy workflow, utilizing LLM technology to provide highly customized translation services.

This project features a highly controllable translation workflow, allowing users to flexibly set tones, regional characteristics, and import professional glossaries to ensure consistent translation terminology, all by simply adjusting prompt words. This flexibility and customizability will enable AI agents to have a broader application in the field of machine translation.

Key Features:

Offers a reflective proxy workflow, translating through LLM, reflecting, and suggesting improvements to enhance translation quality.

Highly customizable, allowing modifications to output style, handling of special terms, and specifying language use for specific regions or dialects.

Suitable for translation between different language pairs, achieving better translation quality by adjusting prompts and selecting different LLMs.

Use Cases:

Corporate Communication: Provides accurate, customized translation services for businesses, facilitating cross-language communication and international cooperation.

Academic Research: Supports cross-language academic exchanges, helping researchers and scholars share knowledge and collaborative achievements.

Personal Life: Offers convenient, accurate translation tools for individuals, solving language barrier issues and promoting cultural exchange.


Provides source and target language information along with the text to be translated.

Uses LLM for translation and generates a preliminary translation result.

LLM reflects on the translation and suggests improvements.


Source: GitHubDaily