Recently, Xiaomi's AI assistant "Xiaoai" has partnered with ByteDance's Volcano Engine, leveraging the latter's large language model "Doubao" to deliver a more intelligent AI interaction experience for users.

ByteDance's Douyin Doubao Large Model

As a crucial part of Xiaomi's ecosystem, "Xiaoai" has been widely applied in various categories such as smartphones, smart home devices, wearable equipment, and the Xiaomi SU7, providing users with convenient voice interaction. Through this collaboration, the newly upgraded "Xiaoai" will see significant improvements in dialogue understanding, response speed, and content services.

It is reported that by utilizing the powerful semantic understanding capabilities of Volcano Engine's Doubao large model, "Xiaoai" will be able to more accurately grasp user query needs and provide precise and professional answers at a faster response speed. For instance, when explaining complex scientific concepts, it can offer comprehensive and detailed explanations rather than simple vague summaries.

The upgraded "Xiaoai" will enhance its capabilities in dialogue understanding, response speed, and content services, enabling it to more accurately capture user needs and provide quick, professional answers. It will also strictly adhere to ethical and legal standards to ensure the health and safety of the output content.