Recently, a new AI-powered search engine called Genspark has emerged, with its founders believing that it can outperform other similar attempts on the market by leveraging more precise generative AI technology.

It is reported that Genspark utilizes a variety of customized AI models to generate "Sparkpage," providing users with a single-page overview for their search queries, similar to the AI overview features of Arc Browser and Google Search, but founder Eric Jing claims it offers higher quality.


Image Source: Genspark

For instance, for travel-related searches, Genspark will offer a Wikipedia-like Sparkpage, including a table of contents, videos of popular nearby destinations, tips, and a chatbot to answer questions about various subtopics (such as "list the best cultural experiences"). Additionally, when searching for products on Genspark, the Sparkpage will list the pros and cons of the discussed product, along with aggregated reviews and ratings from social media, publications, and e-commerce stores.


Jing believes that Genspark achieves fact-checking through editable Sparkpages, which will improve results based on edits; the company also plans to pay for licensed content to enhance accuracy. However, the specific business model remains undecided.

Nevertheless, AI search engines still face challenges such as accuracy and copyright issues. Genspark is not immune to some basic errors, and has even recommended tools that could be used for criminal activities. Moreover, it may plagiarize content from other sites, infringe on copyrights, and cannibalize traffic. A study estimates that AI overviews could lead to publishers losing over $2 billion in ad revenue.

Currently, the startup has raised $60 million, post-money valuation at $260 million. Investors are confident in its technological approach and the founder's background (formerly at Microsoft and Baidu).

Jing is confident that Genspark can meet users' needs for direct and efficient access to results. However, analysts believe that standing out in the fierce competition is not easy and requires overcoming numerous technical, legal, and ethical obstacles. Whether Genspark can become the winner in the AI search arena remains to be seen over time.