Amazon Advertising's GenAI toolkit is helping brands create lifestyle images around their products at an unprecedented speed and convenience, enhancing the customer discovery experience. The Image Generator, announced last fall, has transformed how Amazon advertisers approach creative development and customer engagement.


The Image Generator utilizes generative AI technology to extract insights from product descriptions and customer reviews, creating ad-ready images using actual product photos that naturally showcase the products. This ease of use has led to a 20% increase in ad submissions among advertisers using the Image Generator, as they test various creative options to understand which resonates most with customers and yields the greatest business impact. In fact, we've seen these advertisers' Gross Merchandise Sales (GMS) increase by nearly 5%, demonstrating the value of more relevant creative to both shoppers and brands.

Amazon Selling Partners can now access more generative AI capabilities to create high-quality product listings. Amazon continues to innovate, helping sellers succeed by providing options to submit URLs from their own websites and utilizing new generative AI features to easily create high-quality product detail pages in the Amazon store.

Jay Richman, Vice President of Amazon Advertising Product and Technology, noted that his team is responsible for developing the Image Generator and is working on a series of generative AI solutions to make the creative development process more seamless and simple for advertisers of all sizes. In addition to removing multiple barriers in the creative development process, Amazon is also rapidly addressing one of the most persistent issues in online advertising—the tension between standard ads and native ads. Native ads are tailored for specific online environments and, while they are often more engaging, they have historically been more difficult to scale effectively.

To address this, Amazon is introducing new aspect ratio features for the Image Generator. At launch, advertisers can generate ad images with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1200x628. Now, brands can generate images in multiple sizes and resolutions with just a few simple clicks—ensuring their brand imagery remains clear and compelling across different websites and environments.

Amazon Advertising plans to add more advanced generative AI features this year to help advertisers overcome creative barriers and optimize their ad campaigns. Richman's team is currently developing generative AI-driven features that will help analyze all product and brand information included in ads and then convert the ads into any size, shape, or format. It will even enhance the overall quality of the original ads by correcting typos, enhancing colors, and translating copy into different languages.

Richman stated, "This is a true paradigm shift. We have the potential to redefine creativity and relevance in advertising. It's a very exciting time for the advertising business."