In the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology, NVIDIA's Lumina-T2X image generation model has brought us new surprises. As an open-source model, it is comparable to the industry-leading MJ V6 in terms of aesthetic expression and image quality, a feat particularly commendable in the open-source realm.

The innovation of the Lumina-T2X model lies in its adoption of a unified DiT (Diffusion Model) architecture, enabling it to generate a variety of media content types, including images, videos, multi-view 3D objects, and audio clips, through text. This multimodal generation capability significantly expands the application scope of AI in the field of content creation.


This model series not only improves generation quality but also significantly reduces training costs. For instance, Lumina-T2I driven by a 5 billion parameter Flag-DiT has a training computational cost of only 35% of similar models with 600 million parameters, showcasing the immense potential of AI technology in economic efficiency.

The released Lumina-T2I image generation model excels in image quality, and its efficient model design is also key to its success. The model backbone of Lumina-T2I employs Large-DiT, the text encoding model uses Llama2-7B, and the VAE (Variational Autoencoder) uses SDXL, providing a solid foundation for high-quality image generation.

For Windows users, if flash_attn is not installed, you may experience slower generation speeds.

Interested users can try this plugin in Confyui:

Project link: 

The introduction of Lumina-T2X marks a new milestone in AI image generation technology and a significant victory for the open-source community. With continuous technological development, we look forward to more innovations and breakthroughs in the field of content creation from AI in the future.

Lumina-T2X project link: