Website Home ( June 21 News: Today, Amazon Web Services announced that Claude3.5Sonnet is now available on Amazon Bedrock.

This generative AI foundational model is developed by Anthropic. Claude3.5Sonnet has demonstrated superior performance in various evaluations, surpassing its predecessor and even Claude3Opus. It operates at twice the speed of Claude3Opus and excels in reasoning, mathematics, multimodal, and programming benchmarks.

Claude3.5Sonnet exhibits a more natural and understandable tone when composing high-quality content, capable of generating engaging and persuasive material, simplifying the writing process, and enhancing narrative skills. The model performs exceptionally well in handling complex tasks, processing visual data, and translating code.

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Additionally, Claude3.5Sonnet possesses strong "visual" capabilities, outperforming Claude3Opus in visual benchmarks. The model can accurately transcribe text from imperfect images, which is particularly important for customers in retail, logistics, and financial services. Furthermore, Claude3.5Sonnet has undergone rigorous testing and training in security to ensure safety and transparency.