Website Home ( June 21 News: Today, at the Huawei HDC2024 Developer Conference, Huawei's Executive Director and Huawei Cloud CEO Zhang Ping'an announced the official release of Huawei Cloud's PanGu Large Model 5.0 to the global audience.

PanGu Large Model 5.0, with its different parameter scales ranging from a hundred million to a trillion, and a diverse set of functions including the PanGu Natural Language Large Model, Multimodal Large Model, Visual Large Model, Predictive Large Model, and Scientific Computing Large Model, provides unprecedented powerful support for AI applications.

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The newly upgraded PanGu Large Model 5.0 has undergone comprehensive optimizations in three aspects: full series, multimodal, and strong thinking. It not only offers large models for all scenarios but also significantly enhances multimodal capabilities, such as the ability to understand 10K resolution images, making AI processing of image information more accurate and efficient.

At the same time, the thinking ability of the PanGu Large Model 5.0 has been greatly enhanced, enabling it to better simulate human thinking processes and provide smarter decision support for AI applications.

It is worth mentioning that, with the support of the PanGu Large Model 5.0, Huawei's newly launched assistant, Xiaoyi, has also been upgraded. This more intelligent AI assistant not only provides a smoother user experience but is also more humanized.