Character AI is creating a buzz among young Americans. Launched in 2022 by former Google Brain employees Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas, this AI chatbot application allows users to interact with a variety of characters, ranging from fictional figures to historical figures and even contemporary public figures.

Character AI boasts 20 million monthly active users and handles up to 20,000 queries per second, accounting for 20% of Google's search volume. Over 1 million users on Reddit share their created characters and interaction experiences. However, the popularity of this technology also brings some issues, especially the emotional dependence and addiction among teenagers.


57.07% of users are teenagers aged 18-24, with an average usage time of 2 hours. In the Reddit community, many people express that conversing with AI robots is more relaxed than with real people, and posts about addiction are also widespread. Some users even exhibit strong "withdrawal symptoms" when the server is down.

The chatbots of Character AI are trained with extensive text data and continuously improved through interactions with users, becoming increasingly realistic. For example, the "psychologist" character created by New Zealand user Sam Zaia, trained with his professional knowledge, provides real psychological support to users.

However, professional psychotherapist Theresa Plewman questions the effectiveness of Character AI, believing it cannot replace human reactions and treatments. Dr. Kelly Merrill Jr. of the University of Cincinnati acknowledges the positive role of chatbots in providing mental health support but also warns of the limitations and potential risks of AI.

Futurist Professor Rocky Scopelliti predicts that tools like Character AI will become more widespread, with AI playing a more significant role in human emotional and mental realms. However, he also calls for active regulation to address the moral and social dilemmas AI may bring.

The popularity of Character AI shows us the potential of AI technology in emotional support, but it also makes us consider how to enjoy the convenience of technology without becoming overly dependent on it. This is not just a technical issue but also a social one that requires our collective attention and resolution.