In this era driven by artificial intelligence, it seems that every company is vying to leverage AI technology to provide direct answers to users, streamline decision-making processes, and even bypass the act of thinking itself. However, the iA writing tool takes a different approach. It aims not only to assist users in writing but also to inspire their thinking.

Here are some innovative methods proposed by iA:

1) Have AI ask you questions

iA encourages users to use ChatGPT to pose questions rather than merely obtaining answers. This method prompts users to think deeply and articulate their viewpoints clearly. For example, users can ask ChatGPT to generate questions on a specific topic, pushing them to elaborate and explain their thoughts.


2) Create rather than copy

If ChatGPT generates content that users wish to keep, they should paste it as a comment, clearly marking it as AI-generated and citing the source. This ensures that users maintain originality and integrity when using this content.


3) Original thinking

When AI articulates what the user wants to express, the user should rethink this content and express it in their own words. This is not only a process to verify the correctness of AI output but also a way to deepen understanding and internalize knowledge.

4) Editing and improving

Users can leverage ChatGPT to regenerate certain parts of a document, shorten its length, and compare it with the style of their favorite writers to enhance their writing. Additionally, ChatGPT can serve as an editing tool, helping users identify potential issues such as long words, clichés, or factual errors, and gradually provide stricter critiques.

Through these methods, the iA writing tool not only assists users in generating text but more importantly, it stimulates their creativity and critical thinking. With the help of AI, users can delve deeper into their thoughts, improve the quality of their writing, and ultimately create truly original works. This user-centric application of AI offers a fresh perspective on the future development of artificial intelligence.