On Xiaohongshu, a creative revolution centered around pets is quietly unfolding. "Cat Guardian," an AI photo project, has quickly captured the hearts of netizens with its unique mythical style. This project allows pet enthusiasts to glimpse their own furry companions transformed into majestic guardians, sparking a new trend in pet photography.

Netizens are sharing their pet guardians on Xiaohongshu, showcasing not only the cuteness of their pets but also adding an aura of mystery and solemnity. Some even fantasize about how blissful it would be to lie in the soft fur of their giant, guardian-like pets.


"Xiao Chen, Who Wants to Sleep Every Day," was one of the earliest bloggers to use the #CatGuardian# tag. Initially, he merely tried to transform his cat into a guardian at the request of a fan, unaware that this experiment would lead to a trend. Now, he has 12,000 followers on Xiaohongshu, and there are 2,247 related notes about "Cat Guardian."


The application of AI technology has made pet photography more diverse and convenient. Whether it's cats, dogs, rabbits, or even mythical creatures like the nine-tailed fox or snakes, all can be transformed into guardians through AI. Moreover, pet owners can create personalized guardian portraits with just a few simple steps.


First, obtain a base image, such as a photo of a large cat with a Hanfu-clad beauty, through Midjourney. Then, use Stable Diffusion's inpaintid face-swap plugin for AI face-swapping. Next, apply Stable Diffusion again for style conversion and detail repair. Finally, use Stable Diffusion's local redrawing feature to blend the edges of the image, resulting in a perfect pet guardian portrait.

The advent of pet AI photography addresses some challenges in traditional pet photography. The lively and uncontrollable nature of pets, along with the high demands for their expressions and postures, make pet photography a challenging endeavor. AI photography, however, can intelligently generate various expressions and scenes according to the owner's wishes, making each photo a unique piece of art.

This is not just a technological innovation but also a redefinition of pet photography art. Pet AI photography showcases the beauty and charm of pets in a new light and provides pet lovers with a new way to express their love and creativity. With the continuous development of AI technology, we have reason to believe that pet AI photography will bring even more surprises and possibilities.