Website Home ( June 26 News: Today, ByteDance officially launched its AI-powered coding tool, MarsCode.

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MarsCode is described as an integrated development environment (IDE) that offers an embedded AI assistant and supports over 100 languages and major IDE extensions. It features a robust AI assistant capable of providing code completion, explanation, and debugging functionalities to help developers code and innovate faster. The AI assistant can offer suggestions for single lines or entire functions during coding and supports generating code snippets from comments. The editor understands natural language to provide accurate code suggestions. Additionally, the AI assistant can explain project code, enhance the quality of problem solutions, and offer intelligent optimization recommendations. Developers can also use MarsCode to develop and deploy AI plugins and utilize Schema for development, testing, deployment, and multi-platform distribution.

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MarsCode also provides a secure and reliable cloud development environment that requires no download or configuration; simply click once in your browser to initialize the development environment. It supports project creation from templates and importing projects from Git repositories, catering to a variety of project development needs.

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