GuijiAI has open-sourced DUIX (Dialogue User Interface System), a digital human interaction platform based on artificial intelligence.


Open Source Link:

After open-sourcing, developers can independently integrate multiple large models, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities to enable real-time digital human interactions, and deploy on Android and iOS platforms with a single click.

This allows every developer to easily create intelligent and personalized digital human agents and apply them across various industries. DUIX offers the advantages of low deployment costs, minimal network dependency, and diverse functionalities, making it suitable for scenarios such as subways, banks, government services, video, media, customer service, finance, and broadcasting.

Core Features

  • Low Deployment Cost: No need for a technical team from the client; supports quick and low-cost deployment on various terminals and large screens.
  • Minimal Network Dependency: Ideal for self-service virtual assistant scenarios in subways, banks, government services, etc.
  • Diverse Functionalities: Can meet the diverse needs of industries such as video, media, customer service, finance, and broadcasting based on client requirements.