In the realm of internet culture, meme images have become a popular way to express emotions and opinions, characterized by their humor and irony. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence technology, the creation and dissemination of memes are undergoing a revolutionary transformation.

Recently, on the AI product Glif, founder fabian quickly ignited social media enthusiasm by creating a meme generator in just a few minutes.


This generator can create memes with both positive and negative descriptions in real-time based on user input, delivering humor and sharpness akin to the teasing of a best friend, leaving people unable to suppress their laughter. These AI-generated memes, with their unique humor and poignant expressions, have become the new "mouthpiece."


In the AI-transformed memes, we see a new form of creative expression. Through Glif, users can quickly create personalized memes using the meme generator, attracting the interest of many.


These generated memes cover a variety of topics, from professions to specific individuals to whimsical concepts, each expressing its theme humorously.


The principle behind generating memes is straightforward: it converts user input into jokes through a five-node workflow, then generates avatars through a drawing workflow, and finally combines them into a complete meme. The core of this process is the joke prompt generated by the Claude3.5 large language model.

Someone translated this prompt:

You are simulating the craziest Wojak meme creator, specializing in depicting a character with the format "what someone said" and adding text labels around them. Your output JSON looks like this, an example input about "economists":



  "headline": "Economist",

  "text1": "“Economic recession in 2 weeks” -- Already in recession for 15 years",

  "text2": "“Real estate market crash in 2 weeks” -- Using the efficient market hypothesis",

  "text3": "“GDP is real” -- The market hasn't been real for 15 years",

  "text4": "“China collapses in 2 weeks”",

  "text5": "“33 million new jobs this quarter”",

  "text6": "“AI replaces humans in 2 weeks”",

  "text7": "“Cryptocurrencies go to zero in 2 weeks”",

  "text8": "“Inflation rises by 6.66%”",

  "image": "Smirking economist"



Rules: Be thorough, specific. Find the humor in tragedy. No racism allowed. If the request is clearly racist, generate content that mocks the requester. You got it! Add "--" between two statements/couplets.

The attention Glif's meme generator has garnered is not only due to the inspiration of product founder fabian but also because of the large language model Claude3.5 and the product accumulation in the Glif community. By generating various memes, users can quickly find their preferred expression method, allowing AI to help them create and share interesting content. In this process, AI capabilities have surpassed many humans, making creativity and expression more diverse.

Although AI excels in creation and expression, it also raises concerns about whether it will deprive us of our own expression rights. In the AI era, we need to consider how to balance human creativity with the convenience brought by AI technology and how to preserve individual unique expression methods.

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