At the 2024 WAVE SUMMIT Deep Learning Developer Conference, Baidu's Chief Technology Officer, Wang Haifeng, officially launched the Wenxin Large Model 4.0 Turbo version. This new version boasts significant improvements in both speed and effectiveness, and has already been launched on the official website

The response speed of the Wenxin Large Model 4.0 Turbo has been significantly enhanced, enabling the generation of over a thousand-word article in just over 20 seconds, with high content quality.

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In terms of effectiveness, the new model excels in various application scenarios. It can quickly retrieve information, with high requirements for the factual and accuracy of the information, as demonstrated in question and answer effect tests, where the handling of current news showcased real-time nature, a rich source of information, and highly structured presentation.

In professional knowledge Q&A, such as the relative valuation method of stock price valuation models, the model's responses are professional and reliable, with clear analysis. When dealing with a large amount of documents and web page information, the model can accurately complete information abstracts and summaries, and effectively integrate multi-document content.

In addition, in the code development scenario, the model can generate logically correct and well-commented code.

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The Wenxin Large Model 4.0 Turbo is now open to all Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition users, and free trial opportunities are provided. Users can visit the official website to redeem limited-time trial cards and personally experience this upgraded large model.