TRANSAGENTS, a virtual translation publishing company developed by Tencent's AI Lab specifically for literary translation, has officially launched and is now available for free online experience.

TRANSAGENTS is a novel multi-agent framework designed for translating long literary content. It simulates a real translation company through virtual roles, including senior editors, junior editors, and translators, each with unique responsibilities and tasks. This multi-role collaboration model makes the translation process of literary works smoother and more efficient.

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What is even more impressive is that each role has detailed personal profiles, covering language skills, educational background, and work experience. This role setting not only enhances the realism of the simulation but also provides a complex and diverse translation environment. It's as if each role is a real person, using their professional knowledge and experience to collectively translate literary works.

Moreover, using TRANSAGENTS for literary translation costs 80 times less than professional human translators, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce translation costs, allowing more excellent literary works to be disseminated.

In actual assessments, whether it is human assessors or advanced language models (such as GPT-4), they tend to prefer the translation results of TRANSAGENTS. Especially in cases requiring domain-specific knowledge, such as historical background and cultural details, the performance of TRANSAGENTS exceeds that of human translators.

The launch of TRANSAGENTS not only demonstrates the great potential of AI technology in the field of literary translation but also provides new possibilities for literary creation and dissemination. If you are interested in literary translation or are looking for an efficient and cost-effective translation solution, then TRANSAGENTS is definitely worth a try.

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