Recently, many netizens have been captivated by the panda eating instant noodles video on Douyin. A video of a cat using chopsticks to eat instant noodles, generated by AI, has surprisingly garnered over 420,000 likes on Douyin!

Imagine it's late at night, and you're scrolling through Douyin when suddenly you see a panda and a cat expertly using chopsticks to eat instant noodles. Your first reaction might be to think you're seeing things, or that it's some kind of special effect. But let me tell you, this is all AI-generated.


The realism of these videos is astonishing, leaving many netizens in awe, even sparking serious discussions about which giant panda it is. However, if you look closely, you can still spot some clues, such as blur and distortion in the transitions of movements.


But it has to be said that, compared to a year ago, AI video technology has reached a new level. Remember the video of Smith eating noodles? The current AI video technology is now at the Next Level, making it hard to distinguish between real and fake.

This period has seen the competition in video large models both domestically and internationally heat up. We have intensively tested multiple emerging platforms, including Kuaishou KeLing and Luma AI, all of which have performed very well.

Meanwhile, using the image-to-video feature to animate classic memes has become a traffic password on social media platforms. The topic "AI Remixing Movie and Drama Scenes" is currently ranked Top 26 in the Douyin challenge, attracting a large number of netizens to participate and discuss.

The application of AI technology in video production not only provides creators with more possibilities but also brings new experiences to viewers. Although there are still some flaws now, as technology continues to develop, we have reason to believe that future AI-generated videos will be even more realistic and engaging.