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2024-09-24 11:19:24
Global Robot Demand Continues to Grow, Expected Shipments of Approximately 47 Million Units in 2024
According to Qunzhi Consulting, the overall demand for robots globally shows a continuous growth trend, with an expected shipment scale of approximately 47 million units in 2024, maintaining a compound annual growth rate of over 20% for the next five years. Furthermore, the revenue scale is expected to reach nearly $128 billion by 2029. Image source note: Image generated by AI, with image licensing provided by Midjourney. In terms of shipment volume, Qunzhi Consulting's data indicates that in 2023, consumer robots accounted for about 81% of the global market shipments, maintaining a long-term dominant position in the robot market.
2024-08-19 09:32:37
Elon Musk Predicts: The Optimus Robot Market Will Reach $25 Trillion, Exceeding Electric Vehicles
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has raised the idea that human memories and cognitive states could be uploaded to the cloud and downloaded into humanoid robots, attracting widespread attention. He envisions the Tesla Optimus robot not only performing dangerous and repetitive tasks but also becoming a companion, caring for children, and even participating in sports events. Musk predicts that there will be 10 billion robots globally, with a market size of $25 trillion, far exceeding the electric vehicle market. Tesla plans to begin production of the Optimus robot next year, with expected pricing.