Scottish artist Michael Forbes protests the negative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the art world by smearing his own artwork.

Forbes states that AI has saturated the internet with a multitude of images and has unauthorizably used artists' works for creation, threatening the livelihoods of some artists. He is taking this action to call for attention and reflection on AI's infringement in the art field.


Michael Forbes has smeared part of Taylor Swift's work

Forbes has "edited" four paintings, including works by John Lennon and American singer Taylor Swift. He says that beneath the smears are hours of his proud work, and he feels heartbroken. He points out that his protest was inspired by an artist friend who stopped sharing work on social media, as she believed AI was causing issues for artists.

Forbes reveals that he used to actively utilize the internet, showcasing his work on social media and connecting with galleries worldwide. However, now he only shares part of his work on social media and invites people to attend exhibitions to view the full pieces. He believes that artists can no longer compete with computer-generated images, leading to many giving up their careers as artists.

This act of Forbes may be a trivial protest, but he hopes to raise awareness about AI's infringement in the art field through his actions and to encourage more people to think about this issue.

Key Points:

⭐ Scottish artist Michael Forbes protests the negative impact of AI on the art world by smearing his own artwork.

⭐ Forbes has "edited" four paintings, including works by John Lennon and Taylor Swift, to call for attention to AI's infringement in the art field.

⭐ The inability of artists to compete with computer-generated images has led many to give up their careers as artists.