Recently, an AI agent called "Twitter Personality" has gone viral, attracting 4 million users in just 12 days. This is because users only need to input their Twitter account name to analyze their Twitter persona.

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Developed by Wordware, this tool aims to help you understand your unique personality on Twitter by analyzing your tweets. It utilizes advanced large language models, similar to ChatGPT, allowing users to delve into their online presence.

"Twitter Personality" is incredibly user-friendly. Users simply need to provide their Twitter account to this AI agent, which will then automatically read your tweets. Using powerful language models, the AI will analyze the personality traits of the account on Twitter and generate a detailed analysis report, which is then presented to you in a website format. This convenient analysis method helps users better understand their Twitter account's performance and personality on social media.

For example, inputting Elon Musk's Twitter account will yield a personality analysis of that account:

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It's worth noting that due to the recent surge in user interest, Wordware has stated that they are working hard to meet the needs of all users, so some patience may be required. This tool is not only suitable for individual users but also helps brands and companies understand audience needs, optimizing their social media strategies.

Additionally, Wordware has launched various applications that can help users quickly build custom AI agents in areas such as law, marketing, and invoice analysis. Whether for technical or non-technical teams, these tools can enhance work efficiency and promote cross-functional collaboration.

"Twitter Personality," as a new AI tool, offers users a fresh perspective to understand and improve their online presence through its unique tweet analysis feature.

Product entry:

Key Points:

🌟 Users only need to provide their Twitter account, and the AI will automatically analyze the tweet content.   

🔍 The tool uses advanced large language models to help reveal personality traits.   

💻 Wordware also offers multiple AI agent applications for different fields.