Speech recognition technology has always been a key area of development in artificial intelligence. ByteDance's Seed-ASR engine is now breaking down barriers between languages and dialects, injecting new vitality into this technology.

Seed-ASR has been trained on over 20 million hours of speech data and nearly 900,000 hours of paired data, demonstrating exceptional recognition capabilities. It can accurately identify Mandarin, transcribe 13 Chinese dialects, and 7 foreign languages, including English with various accents, undoubtedly opening new possibilities for cross-language communication.

A key advantage of Seed-ASR is its excellent contextual awareness. It can combine historical dialogue records, meeting minutes, and other information to more accurately identify names, places, and keywords, making it particularly outstanding in specific scenarios and significantly enhancing recognition accuracy.


Whether it's simple daily conversations or complex meeting exchanges, Seed-ASR handles them with ease. Even in situations with multiple speakers or background noise, it can accurately transcribe content. It also adapts to various audio qualities and environments when processing video and live voice.

Seed-ASR can recognize terminology from various professional fields, including medicine, technology, automotive, and even music. This makes it shine in intelligent assistant and voice search scenarios, greatly enhancing user experience.

Project link: https://bytedancespeech.github.io/seedasr_tech_report/