Recently, Meta released an interim update stating that the adoption rate of its Llama series models has significantly increased, especially after the launch of the large-scale Llama3.1 last month. This news indicates that open-source AI is gradually catching up with the dominant position of closed-source code.


Meta revealed that its Llama models have nearly 350 million downloads on Hugging Face, more than ten times the number from last year. At the same time, an increasing number of enterprises are starting to apply these models, with well-known companies like Zoom, Spotify, AT&T, and Goldman Sachs utilizing Llama models to handle various internal and external needs.

The rapid development of open-source AI is not only due to its performance gradually approaching that of closed models but also because of its practical application at the enterprise level. Meta stated that although OpenAI started earlier in the generative AI field, Meta quickly gained market share after the launch of the Llama models. Unlike OpenAI's closed strategy, Meta chose an open approach, allowing developers to use and improve these models more freely.

According to Meta, since the launch of Llama2 last July, the downloads of its models on Hugging Face have increased tenfold. Last month, Meta's downloads on the platform exceeded 20 million, showing that the release of Llama3.1 has attracted more users. Surveys show that Llama's popularity in the developer community is growing and it has become a leader among open-source models.


In terms of enterprise users, companies like AT&T, DoorDash, Goldman Sachs, Niantic, and Shopify are using the Llama series models for various internal and external applications. Additionally, Meta has facilitated easier access to Llama models by partnering with multiple cloud service providers. Although Meta did not disclose specific usage details of its partners, it stated that from January to July, the monthly usage of Llama on certain cloud services increased tenfold.

This indicates that the widespread application of Llama in enterprises shows that open-source AI is rapidly catching up with the market. With improved performance and the advantage of long-term usage costs, more and more companies are turning to open-source models.

Although companies like OpenAI still hold a significant market position, the rise of open-source AI will force them to accelerate innovation and reduce costs. It is worth noting that OpenAI initially sparked significant market interest with its generative AI, but now appears to be lagging in product innovation.

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Key Points:

🌟 Llama models have nearly 350 million downloads on Hugging Face, a tenfold increase year-over-year.

📈 More enterprises, such as Zoom and Goldman Sachs, are adopting Llama models for practical applications.

🚀 Open-source AI is rapidly rising, putting pressure on closed-model companies to innovate and reduce costs.