From the Webmaster Home ( on June 12: Liu Qingfeng, Chairman of iFlytek, revealed that iFlytek will release iFlytek Spark V4.0 on June 27th. This new version will showcase the latest end-to-end intelligent voice technology achievements, and iFlytek also plans to launch its end-to-end voice technology modeling solution in the coming third quarter. Additionally, iFlytek will offer features not available in GPT-4o, such as one-sentence replication, high-noise scenario voice recognition, and multi-dialect and multilingual seamless switching.

iFlytek, iFlytek Spark Model

In the field of ultra-anthropomorphic synthesis technology, Liu Qingfeng proudly stated that iFlytek has achieved international leading levels in Chinese, English, and multiple languages. In the full-duplex technology field, iFlytek defined the human-computer interaction standards for the Internet of Everything era as early as 2016, including features like far-field, multi-person, and full-duplex. Notably, iFlytek successfully led and proposed the international standard for full-duplex voice interaction in 2020 and officially received it in May 2023. These advanced voice technologies will be fully demonstrated in iFlytek Spark V4.0.

Looking ahead, Liu Qingfeng revealed that iFlytek will focus on research and development in fields such as far-field high-noise multi-person speaking scenarios, high-expressiveness personalized scenarios, cloud-edge-end integration, and hardware-software integration. iFlytek will build a comprehensive continuous leading advantage with its technological superiority, market first-mover advantage, and practical results. According to him, the iFlytek Spark V3.5Max version launched at the end of May has already surpassed the latest version of GPT-4Turbo0429 in text generation, knowledge questioning, logical reasoning, and mathematical abilities, showcasing its strong technological prowess and market competitiveness.