AI Content Detector - Copyleaks

Determine whether text was written by a human or an AI chatbot.

CommonProductProductivityContent DetectionVerification
With Copyleaks' AI Content Detector, you can quickly and accurately identify human-written content vs. AI-generated content, including GPT-4 and Bard, even if the AI text has been rewritten or mixed with human-written content. Browse social media posts, news articles, and even product reviews on your favorite shopping websites with confidence and get verification. The possibilities are endless. The AI Content Detector boasts key features including: 99.1% accuracy and a 0.2% false positive rate, detection of ChatGPT (including GPT-4), Bard, T5, Jasper, and more, detection of AI content in over 10 languages including English, Spanish, and over a dozen others, with more languages in development. It has been recognized by prominent publications such as CNET, VentureBeat, The Wall Street Journal, Search Engine Journal, Vanity Fair, and dozens of others.

AI Content Detector - Copyleaks Visit Over Time

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AI Content Detector - Copyleaks Traffic Sources

AI Content Detector - Copyleaks Alternatives