
Customize and deploy automation to boost team productivity

CommonProductBusinessTeam productivityTime management
TimeTo is a customizable and deployable automation platform designed to accelerate team productivity. It offers features like prioritized time blocks, reactive sprint planning, intelligent scheduling, and integrations with your existing tools. TimeTo integrates with all calendars and allows for flexible customization to fit your team's needs. You can choose from pre-built automations or build your own with scalable custom code. Utilize intelligent scheduling for flexible meetings, maximizing team deep work. Set rules for buffers, travel time, and focus time. TimeTo also provides scalable code, expressive APIs, and cron jobs to build your own automations. With dynamic scheduling, your calendar can respond in real-time to new priorities, impromptu meetings, and scope changes. Beyond enhancing focus and productivity, TimeTo delivers actionable data to help teams cultivate sustainable and efficient habits. The team dashboard provides insights into team members' time allocation, identifying areas for optimization. TimeTo can also automatically schedule tasks and time blocks for team members, improving time management awareness. It can intelligently allocate time blocks based on priority and deadlines, safeguarding focused work. TimeTo integrates with team communication tools to enable 'do not disturb' and 'focus mode.' It can also measure the intensity of team members' schedules and prompt them to adopt healthier habits. Set automatic reminders for team members to take breaks after periods of high intensity work. The platform can also alert managers if team members lack recent days off or vacation. You can personalize rules for lunch breaks and buffer times. TimeTo prioritizes data security and privacy, ensuring you can use it with confidence. Integrations with your team's tools allow teams to prioritize high-quality work over meetings.

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