Converts web content into Chat GPT intelligence

CommonProductProductivitySmart AssistantKnowledge Dataset
GPTURER is a simple and easy-to-use solution that generates comprehensive knowledge datasets by scanning websites. It simplifies the creation of personalized ChatGPT assistants in just two steps: create a website scanning task and download integrated knowledge data. With GPTURER, you can input a website URL and allow our system to carefully browse and extract essential data, including text, images, URLs, and structural elements. As our system meticulously scans the website, it compiles the extracted data into structured output files. Once the scanning is complete, you can immediately download these files. Utilize these generated output files as a foundation to easily create personalized ChatGPT assistants, seamlessly embedding the extracted content to enhance their functionality. We offer three pricing plans, Starter (€5), Basic (€20), and Premium (€50), allowing you to choose the suite that best fits your needs. GPTURER can convert web content into Chat GPT intelligence, providing you with more powerful assistant functions.

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