Automate your sales development representatives with minimal cost compared to human SDRs.

JrSDR is a fully automated sales development representative that can automatically discover contacts, conduct research, and outreach. It can be automatically customized for your company's specific industry by using your company website and provided information, becoming an expert in your field. JrSDR works in any industry and any sector, leveraging a vast amount of data to identify relevant contacts. You can set up up to 50 SDRs simultaneously, each working around the clock to generate leads for you. JrSDR crafts personalized messages for each lead, taking into account company name, website, industry, contact experience, education, relevant position, colleagues, and more. JrSDR offers various pricing packages to suit businesses of all sizes. Furthermore, JrSDR is continually evolving and plans to introduce features such as integrations with Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, and more targeted agent training.

JrSDR Alternatives