Gemoo is a tool for clearly and quickly expressing ideas. You can use videos, screen recordings, and screenshots to showcase your content. Videos or screenshots make your content clearer and eliminate any confusion. Add visual context to your message with real-time annotations such as text, shapes, and arrows to help recipients truly understand your meaning. You can also clearly convey emotions through facial expressions, voice, and body language. Gemoo supports creating videos up to 4K resolution and lossless high-definition screenshots to showcase every detail. You can instantly share your visual information without waiting for uploads and processing times. You can precisely control who can access your shared videos and screenshots, or share them through password-protected links. Simply copy the link and send it to anyone, regardless of their location, on platforms like Slack, email, or social media. They can directly view your content without needing to register. Gemoo meets your needs for sharing feedback at work, providing excellent image and sound quality.