Drag GAN

Interactive Point-Based Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for Image Manipulation

CommonProductProductivityGenerative Adversarial NetworkImage Manipulation
Drag Your GAN is an interactive point-based Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) tool for image manipulation. It allows users to precisely manipulate the pose, shape, expression, and layout of images by dragging points within the image. The tool achieves this through two main components: 1) Feature-based motion supervision, which guides the movement of points towards their target positions; 2) A novel point tracking method that utilizes discriminator GAN features to continuously locate the positions of points. Users can manipulate a variety of image categories, including animals, vehicles, people, and landscapes. By operating within the learned image space of the GAN, the tool produces realistic outputs capable of handling challenging scenarios, such as generating occluded content and maintaining object shape coherence. Drag Your GAN outperforms existing methods in image manipulation and point tracking tasks while also demonstrating the ability to manipulate real images through GAN inversion.

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