Mr. He Xiaopeng, Chairman of Xpeng Motors, recently showcased the company's latest advancements in robotics technology through a video. He announced that Xpeng Motors is no longer confined to developments in the internet sector, as its technology has successfully been applied to real-world "hand replacement" robots.

In the video, He Xiaopeng revealed that the pre-orders for Xpeng's new robotic hand, the MONA M03, have been exceptionally brisk. To demonstrate the capabilities of the robot, he had the "Iron Assistant" experience the booking process firsthand and praised the smoothness of the entire process. This robotic hand is not only highly flexible but also equipped with tactile abilities, indicating its potential for handling delicate tasks in future industrial scenarios.

Xpeng's new robotic hand debuts! Iron Assistant helps He Xiaopeng place an order for the Xpeng Mona M03

The robotic hand shown in the video can flex its fingers dexterously and touch smartphone screens accurately for operations.

On October 24th last year, Xpeng Motors first publicly showcased this self-developed humanoid robot at the Tech Day event. Standing at 1.5 meters tall, the robot features highly anthropomorphic legs and can walk stably on various terrains, even performing actions like playing soccer and riding a balance bike.