At the recently concluded 2024 Yabuli Entrepreneurs Forum, Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group, presented a striking perspective. He stated that within the next two years, AI large models will undoubtedly be fully integrated into vehicles, indicating a significant enhancement in vehicle intelligence, even leaping from the previous "intelligence-challenged" phase to a truly autonomous driving era. Traditional autonomous driving methods, heavily reliant on complex rule-writing, will be replaced by more advanced training-based autonomous driving technologies.

Cars, New Energy, Electric Vehicles

Zhou Hongyi further pointed out that while it was previously believed that achieving autonomous and driverless vehicles would take five to ten years, he now believes that these technologies will be fully implemented within one to two years. He emphasized that without robust AI large model support, true smart cabins and driverless capabilities cannot be realized, and even the most powerful horsepower and handling sensations will struggle to attract consumers.

When discussing the differences between traditional carmakers and new造车势力, Zhou Hongyi was candid. Companies like BMW and Mercedes made the biggest mistake by viewing cars as mere mechanical products, thinking that adding some intelligent features on top of the mechanical foundation would suffice. In contrast, new造车势力 such as Tesla, Huawei, and NIO recognize that cars are essentially high-tech computers, electronic products, or even internet products, with the four wheels merely serving as their shell.